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As the gig economy has been gaining traction, it has signified to many professionals that it is now more widely acceptable to find work on an ad-hoc basis. Since freelancing is becoming increasingly popular, the service marketplaces that enable anyone to outsource just about any task also gain popularity.

Fiverr and Upwork are some of the most popular freelancing platforms. However, there are many other micro-job websites built to cater to specific niches and industries. The number of freelance platforms is constantly growing since it can be a solid business model that generates good revenue.

There are two ways to create a micro-jobs marketplace – develop it from scratch or quickly build an MVP and test your marketplace idea with WordPress, the most popular content management system. Simply combine it with a ready-to-go micro job WordPress theme and get a fully functional freelance platform without any coding knowledge.

If you are thinking about launching your own freelancing platform and you want to create a website like Fiverr or Upwork, you might want to check out TaskHive, a lightweight yet functional micro job WordPress theme that allows you to build a service platform or digital products marketplace in a breeze.

TaskHive Overview

TaksHive is a versatile micro job WordPress theme loaded with all the features you need to create a micro-jobs marketplace like Fiver. It comes with a modern and responsive design, so you can easily build the same marketplace as you see on the demo site without a need to buy anything extra.

The theme is based on HivePress, a WordPress directory plugin that powers its marketplace features. It’s already trusted by thousands of website owners worldwide, so you can be sure that you won’t get stuck with a theme-specific framework or lose your data if you decide to change the theme.

Key Features

TaskHive is packed with all the features needed for building a marketplace of services right out of the box. You don’t have to buy any third-party plugins to get your website up and running. Let’s take a look at some of the most important TaskHive features:

  • Commission Rates and Payouts. With TaskHive, you can set the commission rates, like on Fiverr, and make money by charging freelancers a percentage fee for every successful transaction processed through your platform. Also, all service providers can request payouts when they want to get their earnings. As a site owner, you can allow them to make requests for any amount or set a certain threshold that freelancers have to reach before they can request a payout.
  • Requests and Offers. TaskHive allows you to create a two-sided marketplace. On the one side, customers can post requests by filling out task requirements as well as their budget and then interested freelancers can make offers. On the other side, all service providers have their dashboards and can list services they provide, so customers can easily find and contact them.
  • Reviews and Messages. Users can easily communicate with each other via messages, along with sending attachments. They can also leave reviews to rate individual services and service providers. Additionally, customers can search and sort services by different custom filters, along with keeping a list of favorite services.
  • Custom Categories and Fields. You can easily customize your marketplace and tailor it to your needs since TaskHive has no predetermined fields or categories, so it’s suitable for any marketplace niche.
  • WooCommerce Integration. The theme is integrated with WooCommerce which provides payment gateways trusted by thousands of businesses around the world. It means that you can rest assured that your payments are successfully processed when monetizing your marketplace.

Now, let’s move on and check what additional features you can use to enhance your micro-jobs marketplace.

TaskHive, a micro job WordPress theme.

TaskHive Extensions

TaskHive is based on the HivePress plugin, so you can expand the functionality of your marketplace by using free and premium HivePress extensions that you can install directly from your WordPress dashboard.

For example, you can improve the UX on your website by installing the Social Login extension. It allows users to register on your website via third-party services like Facebook or Google. It’s a handy feature that helps you to build an easy-to-use marketplace.

Another useful feature that you can easily enable on your website is the location-based search of services. It’s an essential part of any high-quality freelancing platform since many tasks require freelancers’ physical attendance, so users need to have an option of searching service providers solely in their area. In order to integrate Google Maps with your website, you can simply install the Geolocation extension and check our step-by-step tutorial on how to add the location search to your website.

We’ve mentioned only two extensions, but there’s a list of 10+ add-ons available for TaskHive, so you can improve your marketplace with tons of different features. Also, bear in mind that you can build a niche marketplace without a single line of code by simply combining various extensions.

List of the HivePress extensions.

Marketplace Monetization

With TaskHive, you have multiple options to make money through your website. Let’s take a look at the two most popular ways of micro-jobs marketplace monetization:

  • Charging Freelancers for Listing Services. You can charge fees for listing services on your freelance platform and highlighting services in the search results to get more views. You can create and sell listing packages with different per-category restrictions using the Paid Listings extension. 
  • Setting a Commission Rate. As a website owner, you can set a custom commission and take a fee from every transaction between freelancers and customers. It’s the most popular revenue model, and if you have a decent-sized freelance platform, you can play a big game of small numbers like Fiverr.
  • Hosting Ads. Finally, you can monetize your marketplace by selling advertising space. The advertisements can take the shape of a link at the bottom of the page, side banners, or small pop-ups. You can also integrate your website with Google AdSense and make money each time a user clicks on an advertisement banner.

As you can see, there are several ways to make money with a micro-jobs marketplace built with WordPress. You can choose any monetization model or combine them but bear in mind that you need to have decent traffic in order to make use of any of these methods.

TaskHive Customization

TaskHive has a modern and customizable design right out of the box. You can easily import the demo content, so you don’t have to create pages from scratch and you can customize everything using the instant visual WordPress Customizer.

It is also integrated with Gutenberg and Elementor, so you can create page layouts with blocks and you don’t have to fiddle with shortcodes. Moreover, any changes you make via the block editor will look the same on the front-end.

Simply take your time and go through the different options and adjust them to your liking.

WordPress theme customization.

TaskHive Support

The theme comes with dedicated and highly responsive customer support should you get stuck or simply need help with any additional queries. Since TaskHive is based on a multipurpose HivePress plugin, there’s also a friendly community of 10,000+ website owners helping each other, sharing tips and showcasing their website creations on the HivePress support forum.

Wrapping Up

Although there are some well-established marketplaces already, and it seems like the market is brimming, an online freelancing platform is still a promising business idea. There’s a good chance to get a market share in your niche and build a successful product that can rival even Fiverr.

So if you want to create a marketplace of services like Fiverr or Upwork with WordPress, you may want to consider TaskHive. It’s a clean, lightweight and fully responsive micro job WordPress theme, filled with tons of different features that make it a complete solution to build a freelancing platform.

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